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International Nurses Day Celebrated With Flying Colours At Shri Mahant Indiresh Hospital


Dehradun. International Nurses Day 12th May was celebrated with flying colours at Shri Mahant Indiresh Hospital. The nursing staff congratulated one another over this special day. Cultural programmes were also organized to mark this day. Nursing Staff, who have been serving the hospital for more than 20 years, Sr. Gurpreet Kaur, Sr. Poornima, Sr. Sharda, Sr. Premlata and Sr. Sonam were awarded with Lifetime Achievement Award over this occasion. More than 500 nursing staff participated in this programme. Chairman of Shri Mahant Indiresh Hospital, Shri Mahant Devendra Das Ji Maharaj congratulated all the staff members and showered his divine blessings over them.

On Sunday, at the auditorium of Shri Guru Ram Rai Institute of Medical & Health Sciences, International Nurses Day celebration was begun jointly by Shri Mahant Indiresh Hospital’s Medical Superintendents Dr. Ajay Pandita, Dr. Gaurav Raturi & Nursing Superintendent Anish by lamp lighting. It’s significant to mention that every year 12th May is celebrated as International Nurses Day the world over. 12 May is celebrated because it is the birthday of world famous nurse and Nursing Pioneer Florence Nightingale. International Nurses Day is the day of displaying respect towards the world’s nursing fraternity, their contribution and dedication towards patient care.

On Sunday, the programme was started with the welcome address by Sr. Angel and Sr. Aradhana. Sr. Akshita gave sacred beautiful presentation of Krishna Vandana. Ajnes & Group’s mashup dance was admired by the audiences. Solo dance by Allen got a big hand. Solo dance by Sr. Tenzing and classical dance by Sr. Sakshi was liked by everyone. Nikita & Group gave tremendous performance on Punjabi & Bollywood rhythms. Pallavi, Mini, Ankit & Group, Priyanka’s solo dance were also admired by all. By means of Fashion Show, the nursing staff presented the cultural heritage and costumes of various states of the country on ramp in an attractive manner.

8 nursing staff who gave outstanding services to Shri Mahant Indiresh Hospital were specially awarded in the programme. These nursing staff gave special contribution and remarkable service in patient care in the last one year. Significant roles were also played by Deputy Nursing Superintendent Vishal Raj, Sr. Gurpreet, Sr. Anju Bala, Sr. Archana Rai, Sr. Shaily Paul, Sr. Sija, Br. Eldho and Sr. Joyna Soni in making this programme a success.