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World T.B. Day-2025 Celebrated at SGRRIM&HS

With the blessings and support of Honourable Chairman, Shri Mahant Devendra Das Ji Maharaj, the Department of Pharmacology, Shri Guru Ram Rai Institute of Medical & Health Sciences (SGRRIM&HS) under the leadership of Dr. Suman Bala, Professor and Head of the Department, commemorated the World Tuberculosis Day, on 24th March 2025. The theme for this year is, "Yes! We Can End TB: Commit, Invest, Deliver”. The department of Pharmacology organized an informative sensitization event on World TB day 2025. The program included included faculty sessions by Dr. Shalu Bawa, Professor, Pharmacology who enlightened about the Pharmacotherapy and Recent Advances in Tuberculosis Treatment. Dr. Megha Luthra, Professor, Community Medicine gave an overview of National Tuberculosis Elimination Programme. Dr. Sravani Kanchi, Assistant Professor, Respiratory Medicine spoke about Clinical Aspects of Tuberculosis. MBBS students of batch 2023 participated in the poster competition, role play and poetry recitation organized on the theme of Awareness of Tuberculosis and its Elimination. The Principal of SGRRIM&HS, Dr. Ashok Nayak and Chief Medical Superintendent, Dr. Utkarsh Sharma played a crucial role in highlighting the importance of creating awareness, challenges in management and eradication of Tuberculosis.

The Posters were judged by Dr. Seema Acharya, Dr. Anjali Chaudhary, Dr. Shashi Munjal, Dr. Megha Luthra and Dr. Sanjeev Kumar. Group- IV which was led by Kanak and Jaipratap was awarded the first prize. Group -VII led by Samanyu and Sanjivani won the second position and Group -III led by Bhoomika and Chirag won the third position. The teaching staff of the department of Pharmacology including Professor and Head, Dr. Suman Bala, Professors, Dr. Shalu Bawa and Dr. Rashmi Singla, Assistant Professors, Dr. Kavita, Dr. Chavi Jain, Dr. Shruti Malhotra, Post Graduate Students, Dr. Pallavi Panwar, Dr. Sushrut Sharma and Dr. Paridhi Gupta, Tutors;  Dr. Rinki Joshi , Dr. Bighnesh Sachan and Senior Technician, Rajiv Vassi and Clerk,  Sanjeev Gusain had played a pivotal role in the  smooth conduction and successful completion of  commemoration of World Tuberculosis Day, 2025 at SGRRIM&HS, Patel Nagar, Dehradun.