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Ent Surgeon Of Shri Mahant Indiresh Hospital Remove Whistle From The Breathing Tract Of Five Yrs. Old Child

Shri Mahant Indiresh Hospital


Dehradun. The doctors of Ear Nose Throat (ENT) Deptt. of Shri Mahant Indiresh hospital have given a new life to a five years old child by removing whistle trapped in his breathing tract. The child was complaining of difficulty in breathing due to a whistle trapped in his breathing tract. The child had completely recovered after the operation and ahs been discharged from the hospital. This information was provided by HOD, Deptt. of ENT, Dr. Apurva Kumar Pandey.

Dr. Apurva Kumar Pandey told that the five years old child was brought to Shri Mahant Indiresh Hospital by his parents. Father of the child informed that the child has engulfed the whistle while playing. He said that he took the child to other big hospitals of Uttarakhand. After this, they brought the child to be treated at Shri Mahant Indiresh Hospital. Assistant Professor & ENT Surgeon of Shri Mahant Indiresh Hospital, Dr. Sharad Hernot and Dr. Rishabh Dogra conducted the complicated ENT surgery of the child successfully and removed the whistle from the breathing tract of the child. The parents of the child have expressed deep gratitude and gratefulness towards Shri Mahant Indiresh Hospital and its ENT Surgeons.

Dr. Sharad Hernot emphasized that the parents must very cautious while giving plastic toys and whistle, etc. to the children. In the due course of the play, children engulf a toy or a tiny piece of plastic. He said that the parents must observe extreme precaution whiel giving plastic or any toy to the children for playing as engulfing any such thing may prove to be life threatening. Significant roles were also played by Dr. Apurva Pandey, Dr. Tripti Mamgain, Dr. Arvind Verma, Dr. Lalit Pokhariya,  Anaesthetist Dr. Swati, Dr. Amrita, Staff Nurse Dolma and Staff Nurse Rajeev in making this operation a success.