Rajendra Pal Singh, a 45-year-old male resident of Tehri Garhwal , Uttarakhand, came to Shri Mahant Indiresh Hospital’s ENT OPD in July this year with complaints of an unusual massive swelling in the neck region for past 10 years. The neck swelling was progressively increasing in size causing compression of the food pipe and wind pipe for the past few years.He consulted many hospitals and medical colleges but due to the complex nature of surgery and high risk involved , patient was denied surgery. The most challenging part of the surgery was the large size of the tumor which was extending from tongue base, crossing neck region extending in the retrosternum (chest) and was found attached to the vital structures of the chest including aorta, tracheal bifurcation and lung apex. After investigations , he was also found to have Atrial Septal defect (hole in heart). Normally , this challenging surgery requires a Sternotomy additionally but owing to the expertise of Dr. Tripti M. Mamgain, who approached this surgery with a modified incision preserving the vital structures and the gland was removed , completely avoiding the split opening of chest. The surgery being Total Thyroidectomy with Central Neck Dissection surgery which usually is a time consuming one, however taking into account his comorbid heart condition, the surgery time was limited andwas finished in just 4 hours by a team of ENT surgeons , headed by Professor , Dr. Tripti M. Mamgain and team. She further stated that the tumor weighed approximately 1 kg which if left untreated could have been fatal. Despite being a complex and intricate surgery with major potential complications of Recurrent Laryngeal Nerve injury (voice change), hemorrhage, post operative fall in Calcium levels, patient recovered well.
The surgical team comprised of Dr. Tripti M. Mamgain, Dr. Sharad Hernot, Dr. Sahil Mogla, Dr. Fatma Anjum,Dr. Harshit Gupta with special support from Dr. Arvind Varma for his valuable guidance . The cardiac anesthetist team comprised of Dr. Anoop Negi, Dr. Bhaskar Dutt, Dr. Robina Makker and Dr. Ayushi Dobhal.