A One day workshop on ‘Bridging from Theory with Practice in Vaccinology’ was organized by Deptt. of Pediatrics, Shri Mahant Indiresh Hospital. This workshop was organized in association with Indian Academy of Pediatrics (I.A.P.). The programme was begun jointly by Principal, Shri Guru Ram Rai Institute of Medical & Health Sciences, Dr. Ashok Nayak, Registrar, Research & Development, Shri Guru Ram Rai University, Shri Mahant Indiresh Hospital’s Chief Medical Superintendent, Dr. Utkarsh Sharma, HOD, Deptt. of Pediatrics, Dr. Bindu Aggarwal and Senior Pediatrician Dr. Tanvi Khanna by lamp lighting.
A Welcome Address was delivered by Dr. Tanvi Khanna. She welcomed all the participants of the workshop. She introduced the topic of the workshop stating that the objective of this workshop is to prepare pediatricians to deal with the frequently encountered issues with vaccines in daily practice.
Associate Professor & HOD, Deptt. of Pediatrics, Dr. B.S.A. Hospital & Medical College, New Delhi, Dr. G.P. Kaushal explained his topic, ‘Basic Immunology & General Principles’. He guided pediatricians on how to decide the dosage of vaccines for patients. He explained that in what way vaccines protect babies and children resulting in prevention of diseases and thus better health.
Vice President, I.A.P.’s (Indian Academy of Pediatrics) North Zone, Dr. Satish Sharma threw light over the topic, ‘Cold Chain’. He explained in detail how to store different vaccines and maintain optimum temperature.
Senior Pediatrician, Chiranjiv Hospital, Roorkee, explained his topic, ‘Adverse Events Following Immunization’ (A.E.F.I.). He explained pediatricians that how to control side-effects which emerge after different vaccinations.
Dr. Utkarsh Sharma explained his topic, ‘Vaccines in Special Situations’. He threw light on how vaccinations must be done by pediatricians in special situations like children on chemotherapy, children on immune-suppressants, children on steroids, etc.
The above speakers also answered general queries of the pediatricians on various vaccines like Polio, Rotavirus, MMR, Influenza, Typhoid, HPV, Rabies, HAV Vaccine, Varicella, Meningococcal, JE, Travellers Vaccine, Herpes Zoster, etc.
A Vote of Thnaks was given by Dr. Utkarsh Sharma. More than 50 pediatricians from Shri Guru Ram Rai Institute of Medical & Health Sciences, Himayalan Institute Hospital Trust and other medical colleges Participated in the workshop.
Significant roles were also played by Dr. Ragini Singh, Dr. Vishal Kaushik, Dr. Monika Kashyap, Dr. Shruti, Dr. Pramila and Dr. Megha Luthra in making the workshop a success.