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Brigadier (Dr.) Prerak Mittal (Retd.) Joins As Chief Medical Superintendent At Shri Mahant Indiresh Hospital

Dehradun. Brigadier Dr. Prerak Mittal (Retd.) has joined Shri Mahant Indiresh Hospital as the Chief Medical Superintendent. Brigadier Dr. Prerak Mittal (Retd.) has given significant and long term contribution in the Medical Core of Indian Army. He has been working at prestigious positions in the past like OIC, Examination of Indian Armed Forces Medical Services, Director ( Planning & Training), Editors of various Medical Journal etc. Shri Mahant Indiresh Hospital’s doctors, faculties, nursing and support staff have congratulated him on his taking over the charge of Chief Medical Superintendent of the hospital.

It’s worth mentioning that Dr. Prerak Mittal has got his education in the institutions of SGRR Education Mission, Primary education from SGRR Public School, Talab branch and Class Xth from SGRR Public School, Bhandari Bagh branch. He pursued M.B.B.S. and the M.D. ( Hospital Management) from Armed Forces Medical College (A.F.M.C.), Pune. Dr. Prerak Mittal has been known for his administrative competencies and efficient hospital management in the Indian Armed Forces. He has done credible work being a Training Officer at A.F.M.C., holding other important positions from where he superannuated as the Head of Deptt. (Hospital Administration).

While taking over the charge of the Chief Medical Superintendent (C.M.S.) of Shri Mahant Indiresh Hospital, Dr. Prerak Mittal expressed deep gratitude towards Hospital Chairman Shri Mahant Devendra Das Ji Maharaj for his divine blessings. He said that he is committed to be up to the mark on all the parameters of the hospital management. Dr. Prerak Mittal emphasized that Shri Mahant Indiresh Hospital has been known as the life line of health services in the whole of Uttarakhand and Western Uttar Pradesh. He said that he will ensure that he along with the team of other doctors, nursing and support staff of the hospital, will ensure the best healthcare services to be provided to the patients. He said that providing quality medical care to the patients will be top most priority of the team of the hospital. He said that Shri Guru Ram Rai Institute of Medical & Health Sciences and Shri Mahant Indiresh Hospital is one of the most premier medical education and healthcare sciences institutions of North India. He said that he and his team will work efficiently to make the these two institutions to achieve further milestones in the disciplines of medical education and healthcare.