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The doctors of Cardiology Deptt. of Shri Mahant Indiresh Hospital have treated a 26 years old pregnant woman suffering from Rheumatic Heart Disease and a 16 years old female’s shrunk valve by Balloon Mitral Valvuloplasty (B.M.V. technique)

Priyanka, a 26 years old pregnant woman, suffering from Rheumatic Heart Disease, got her valve repaired by Open Heart Surgery. But her valve got shrunk again after a few years. Many hospitals advised her to go to big hospitals of metro cities for getting treated again. Then the patient reached Shri Mahant Indiresh Hopsital, Dehradun and was seen by Cardiology Deptt.’s  Assistant Professor Dr. Abhishek Mittal. Dr. Abhishek Mittal along with senior Professor and HOD, Deptt. of Cardiology, Dr. Sahil Mahajan studied the report of the patient. They decided to treat the patient by Balloon Mitral Valvuloplasty  (B.M.V.) technique.

Professor Dr. Sahil Mahajan, Dr. Abhishek Mittal and their team conducted the successful treatment of the patient by B.M.V. technique. Dr. Sahil Mahajan informed that the case of this pregnant woman was a very complicated and rare one. He said that in year 2017 also an effort was made to treat the patient through Balloon Mitral Valvuloplasty but it could not succeed because at that time because the valve became defective. That time, woman’s open heart surgery was done through which the valve was repaired but it got shrunk after a few years.

While in the other case the 16 years old female named Reena Kumari reached the OPD of Cardiology Deptt., Shri Mahant Indiresh Hospital to be seen by Dr. Abhishek Mittal. Dr. Abhishek Mittal after investigations diagnosed that the female suffered from Rheumatic Heart Disease and her Mitral Valve had shrunk whose treatment was possible through Balloon Mitral Valvuloplasty technique. The treatment of this patient was also done successfully by Professor & HOD, Deptt. of Cardiology, Dr. Sahil Mahajan and Cardiologist Dr. Abhishek Mittal. In this technique, by means of catheter the balloon is made to reach so as to expand the valve. 

Balloon Mitral Valvuloplasty  (B.M.V.) is one such procedure in which the heart valve is expanded thus improving the heart bold flow. Heart Valve controls the flow of blood through the heart. As compared to Open Heart Surgery,

 Balloon Mitral Valvuloplasty  (B.M.V.) is preferred technique than Open Heart Surgery whose benefits are as under:

  • Fast treatment

  • Minor spots

  • Less complication

  • Less painful