135-6672600, 6672663 Phone numbers
Monday-Saturday 9:00AM - 3:00PM


Neurology is the branch of medicine which deals with diseases of nervous system including brain, spinal cord, nerves and muscles.  Neurological services were started in this Hospital 15 year back. This was the first comprehensive Neurological Centre in Dehradun city. At present there are 3 neurologists working in the department. The Neurology Department provides a comprehensive in-patient and out-patient neurological services, treating the full range of neurological disorders. The neurology treats around 20000 in-patients annually. We have got the state-of-the-art Emergency & Trauma services available at this hospital. We have well established outpatient service, seeing 25000 outpatients per year. The Neurology Department has developed sub-specialty interests in stroke, epilepsy, degenerative disorders, neuromuscular disorders and headache. We are committed to providing excellence in neurological care through quality management, education and training of health care professionals. Today we are known for our academic excellence and inexpensive medical care in this region of the country. The Department of Neurology has been permitted by National Medical Commission of India to start DM program with an intake capacity of four candidates per year.

Year of Establishment - Department of neurology with neurology training program was started in 2023

Number of Experts/Specialties – 3

DM (Neurology)Teaching Program with 4 seats – 2024

Approximate Number of cases treated per year

Parameters 2023 2024 (Till 31st july)
Total Patient’s 17634 11434

Advance diagnostic & procedures in the department

Neurological investigation facilities

We have well equipped neurophysiology labs which provides various neurodiagnostic procedures. Department of Neurology provides comprehensive Electrodiagnostic studies -

  • NCV/EMG Studies including RNS Test, facial nerve studies
  • Evoked potential including VEP, BSEP, BERA SSEP
  • Event related potential tests P300
  • Digital EEG is for routine diagnosis of epileptic disorders.
  • Video EEG provides prolonged EEG along with video monitoring for the diagnosis, classification of seizures.
  • Sleep studies is well equipped for stage 3 sleep studies
  • Histopathological and cytological tests including Nerve biopsy, Muscle biopsy and CSF examination

Out- patient neurology services

General neurology outpatient clinics

Neurology provides out patients’ services to all patients with neurological disorders every working day from 9.00 am to 4.00 pm We receive patients not only from state of Uttarakhand but also from UP, Haryana and HP for in our OPD. Currently Neurology OPD has three consultation chambers with all examination facilities. There is an adequate comfortable waiting area for the patients. Dedicated minor procedure room is attached to the OPD. One teaching room is available for teaching the students. We provide all facilities to common and uncommon neurological conditions including Headache, Epilepsy, Stroke, Movement Disorders, Neuroinfections, Demyelinating Neurological disorders, Degenerative Disorders, Neuromuscular disorders and other rare neurological diseases in neurology. Neurology OPD has support of well-equipped neurophysiology labs, neuropsychology, neuro-rehabilitation facilities and psychiatry services.

Special Clinics

  • Headache Clinic
  • Intractable Epilepsy Clinic
  • Movement disorder & Botox therapy Clinic
  • Stroke Clinic
  • Dementia and cognitive neurology clinic
  • Neuro- developmental clinic

In- patient neurology services

Neurology has a 20 bedded general neurology ward for our admitted patients. In addition, we have separate 4 bedded high dependency neurological unit supported by main ICU for our critically ill patients. Department enjoys the support of state of art central intensive care unit also. Neurology ward has a side lab to perform various tests, room for minor procedures, resident doctor’s duty room and a teaching Room. Neurology admits around 60 to70 patients every month from our OPD and emergency. We have all necessary facilities to manage variety of neurological disorders including stroke, status epilepticus, G B Syndrome, neuroinfections, myasthenia gravis, acute headache, dementia, movement disorders and chronic neurological conditions.

Neurology Office & Library

Currently separate offices are available for all departmental faculty and clerk. Seminar room with audio visual facilities is available for teaching. Neuroscience Departmental Library has about 100 neurology and Neurosurgery books including latest textbooks. Library is subscribing to 6 International and three National Neurology Journals.

Teaching & Research

Faculty of neurology actively participate in teaching program of undergraduate and postgraduate medical students. In addition, we conduct various seminars, grand rounds and workshops also. There are adequate faculty rooms, teaching rooms and seminar room for neurology teaching. Seminar room is equipped with modern teaching aids like LCD projector. Department has library with all necessary books and reputed neurological journals. Neurology department is actively participating in various research activities. We have completed various neuro-epidemiological ICMR funded project. Now we are doing multinational randomized control trials on Multiple Sclerosis and Ischaemic Stroke. We are also participating in guiding various students’ thesis and other research projects. Our faculty members actively take part in national and regional conferences by presenting their research and as invited faculty. Research work is regularly published in national and international journals.

On going projects

  • 3 Post graduate thesis
  • 1 Student research project
  • RCT2
    • Multiple Sclerosis
    • Ischaemic Stroke

Collaborative & multidisciplinary services

  • Radiodiagnosis Department –Hospital has state of art Department of Radiodiagnosis well equipped with the latest equipment for accurate diagnosis and treatment including high-end MRI, Ultrafast CT scan, Cath Lab, Ultrasound1.5 T MRI, DSA and interventional radiology are present to support the neurology.
  • Neuro-surgery Department- Institute has well equipped neurosurgery department which is considered as one of the best neurosurgery care and training center. It offers world-class services for the management of neurosurgical problems such as Brain tumors, Aneurysms / Vascular pathology, Spine surgery & Minimally Invasive Spine Surgery, Paediatric Neurosurgery, Peripheral Nerve Surgery, Endoscopic Skull Base Surgery, Head Injury Services, Epilepsy Surgery and 24 x 7 Emergency services. Neurosurgery has 3-year M. Ch program.
  • Psychiatry Department- Department of Psychiatry and clinical psychology unit are the important associated services to support neurology training. They provide all diagnostic and treatment facilities including electroconvulsive therapy (Modified ECT), biofeedback, psychotherapy, behavior therapy, occupational therapy, recreational therapy and music therapy
  • Neuropathology services. Department of pathology is well equipped with experienced and committed neuropathologist and all modern neuropathological test facilities for our patients.
  • Physiotherapy and rehabilitation services- Institute have college of physiotherapy with ongoing BPT and MPT training program. We have excellent team of neuro-physiotherapy faculty, occupational therapists, speech pathologists.
  • Intensive care unit. We have central intensive care unit with dedicated area critically ill neurological patients. Our ICU is having state of art facilities available run under intensive care specialist.


  • Comprehensive stroke management
  • Headache and facial pain disorders
  • Epilepsy and disorders of consciousness
  • Vertigo and other disorders of dizziness
  • Neuro-infections including Acute and Chronic Meningitis, Encephalitis and neurotuberculosis
  • Neuropathies
  • Myopathies
  • Myasthenia and other neuromuscular junction disorders
  • Movements Disorder.
  • Neurodevelopmental disorders
  • Multiple sclerosis and other demyelinating disorders.
  • Immunological disorders of Nervous System.
  • Cognition and behavioral Neurological diseases.
  • Degenerative CNS disorders including dementia and Parkinsons Diseases

Team of Doctors

Neurology Book Appointment
Neurology Book Appointment